Who Are Superannuation's Most Influential People - 1991 to 2021?
On the thirtieth anniversary of the announcement of mandatory super, we invite the superannuation community to reflect back on the individuals who influenced and in many cases continue to shape the industry today.
Any of these lists are highly subjective and we have only skimmed the surface but we reference a mix of politicians, public servants, trailblazers, union representatives, business people and media. For many of those recognised below, their dedication to superannuation represents a lifetime of work.

Ian Silk, Helen Rowell, Mavis Robertson, OAM and Paul Keating
For those of us who weren’t around at the time, it was 1991 when the Hawke government officially announced mandatory superannuation by way of the superannuation guarantee (SG). The SG took effect in 1992 and was largely implemented by the Keating government and trailblazing industry union representatives.
It would be great to hear from you, who else must be added to this list? We welcome your suggestions in the comment section at the bottom of this page.
Influential women in superannuation
(1991 to 2021)
Renowned for: the Productivity Commission inquiry into superannuation.
Currently: deputy chair and commissioner at ASIC.
Previous: deputy chair and commissioner at Productivity Commission, partner at Mercer, global head of infrastructure at Mercer, partner at Access Capital Advisers, chief executive officer at Access Economics, assistant secretary at Commonwealth Treasury, director at Commonwealth Treasury and economist at Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Source: https://fbe.unimelb.edu.au/cabe/events/cabe-6th-annual-event/karen-chester and https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-chester-38718033/
Renowned for: chief executive officer at HESTA (17 years) and prominent industry stewardship, oversight and governance.
Currently: chair at TelstraSuper and director at Bank of Australia.
Previously: director of Women in Super, director at the Mother’s Day Classic, director at ISA, director at ACSI, director at IFS, director at Super Member Investments, director at the Victorian Superannuation Board, member at the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Advisory Council, trustee at the State Superannuation Board, trustee at the State Casual Employees Superannuation Fund, board member at AIST and chief executive officer at HESTA.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amcorboy/ and https://womenformedia.com.au/profile/anne-marie-corboy
Renowned for: retirement strategy, regulation, policy and actuarial expertise in retail superannuation, wealth management and insurance.
Currently: managing director, superannuation at BT Financial Group, executive director at BT RSE Board, director at ASFA, board member at ASFA, member of the Faculty of Business and Economic Industry and Advisory Board at Macquarie University.
Previously: director at BetterOff Australia, director, product strategy and services (insurance and superannuation) at AMP, non-executive director at Hollard Insurance, non-executive director at Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation, chief executive officer at Actuaries Institute and director of policy and industry practice at ASFA, actuary (superannuation and wealth management) at ALEA Actuarial Consulting, director at BT Superannuation and Retirement Products, board member at Actuaries Institute.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melindahowes/
Renowned for: examining, addressing and championing First Nations and gender inequities in superannuation.
Currently: national chair at Women in Super, chair of people, culture and remuneration committee at Cbus and director at Cbus.
Previously: Indigenous officer at ACTU.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-keys-2a741a99/
Renowned for: champion and active involvement in First Nations and remote communities superannuation affairs, and 40 years at QSuper.
Current: head of technical advice at QSuper and member, Indigenous Super Working Group at AIST.
Previously: head of technical learning and advice at QSuper, head of technology and operations support at QSuper, head of technical services at QSuper.
Source: https://www.griffith.edu.au/advancement/notable-alumni/2020-alumni-award-winners/lyn-melcer and https://www.linkedin.com/in/lyn-melcer-72b65779/
Renowned for: decades of exceptional journalism and reporting on superannuation and financial services for Australia’s most prominent print media.
Currently: editor, BOSS at The Australian Financial Review.
Previously: associate editor and financial services editor at The Australian Financial Review, personal finance editor of the Australian Financial Review, Age and Sydney Morning Herald and policy committee member, Fairfax Plan at Mercer Super Trust.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sally-patten-43aa641a/
Renowned for: extensive and influential work in advocating public policy on behalf of working Australians and particular interest in retirement outcomes for women.
Currently: managing director at Principles for Responsible Investment and sits on councils at the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Tomorrow’s Company and the Global Advisory Council on Stranded Assets at Oxford University.
Previously: chief executive officer at AIST, director at AUSfund, director at Industry Funds Credit Control, director at Australia for UNHCR and director at Women in Super.
Source: https://integratedreporting.org/profile/fiona-reynolds/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiona-reynolds-78a91716/
Legacy (deceased 2015): visionary and tireless commitment to superannuation. Helped create most of the industry super fund institutions that exist today.
Previously: foundation trustee of AUST (Allied Unions Superannuation Trust), secretary of AIST, foundation committee member at ACSI, foundation director at Industry Fund Services, inaugural director at Superpartners and many more.
Source: https://www.womeninsuper.com.au/content/our-history/gjyfkg
Renowned for: key regulator and driving force behind regulation and advancing the superannuation system at large.
Currently: deputy chairman at APRA, president at International Organisation of Pension Supervisors and member at Chief Executive Women.
Previously: board member at APRA, executive general manager at APRA, president at The Actuaries Institute and partner at Towers Perrin.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-rowell-65a71917/
Renowned for: her work on superannuation in the trade union movement and on industry fund boards.
Currently: chair at Industry Fund Services, director at Industry Funds Services Insurance Solutions, director at Industry Super Holdings and director at Northern Health.
Previously: director at IFM Investors, chair at AGEST, member nominee to the board at Hostplus, ACTU nominee to the board at Cbus, national pro-bono manager at Holding Redlich, director at Superpartners and senior industrial officer at ACTU.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-rubinstein-51119473/ and https://ifs.net.au/about-us/about-industry-fund-services/ifs-board-of-directors/Linda-Rubinstein/
Legacy (deceased 2020): the first woman to hold a cabinet post in a Labor government. One of the minds behind the modern superannuation system, an advocate for women, their education and retirement outcomes.
Previously: chief executive of ASFA, president of AIST, founding member of ACSI, age discrimination commissioner, special minister of state, minister for education and minister assisting the prime minister for the status of women.
Source: https://www.womeninsuper.com.au/content/vale-susan-ryan-ao/gjktp5 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Ryan
Renowned for: founder, managing director and chief executive officer at SMSF Association. Visionary in financial services, superannuation and retirement.
Currently: non-executive director at Clean Energy Finance Corporation, non-executive director at AMP Bank, non-executive director at AMP Limited, non-executive director at Argo Global Listed Infrastructure Limited, deputy chair at Woomera Prohibited Area Advisory Board and public speaker at Andrea Slattery.
Previously: board member at SMSF Association, managing director at SMSF Association, chief executive officer at SMSF Association and founder at SMSF Association.
Source: https://www.andreaslattery.com/what-we-do and https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-slattery-110015140/
Renowned for: advocating a member focused approach to asset consulting and globally ranked investment consultant.
Currently: non-executive director at Link Group, non-executive director at Perpetual Limited, non-executive director at VFMC and non-executive director at Prospa.
Previously: managing director, director and investment director at Frontier Advisors (Consulting), manager investment advisory services at Industry Fund Services and research associate at Towers Perrin.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiona-trafford-walker-57144688/ and https://www.frontieradvisors.com.au/fiona-to-finish-at-frontier/
Renowned for: transformative impact at ASFA and broad influence and expertise across insurance, superannuation, funds management, governance, regulation and public policy.
Currently: non-executive director at Chief Executive Women, chairman at Moneytech Group, board member at Mercer Superannuation Trust, member of the board of directors at Banking and Finance Oath.
Previously: chairman at Freedom Insurance Group, chairman at CIMA Society, member of the board of directors at Decimal Software, chief executive officer at Regnan, member of the board of directors at Banking and Finance Oath, chief executive officer at ASFA, director, financial services regulation - licensing and business operations at ASIC and head of legal and compliance at Friends Provident / Tower Life.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulinevamos/
Renowned for: being appointed as CEO of QSuper at age 33 and transforming the fund over the forthcoming 18 years in the role. Significant overall participation and stewardship in superannuation.
Currently: chairman at Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation, board member at Queensland Treasury Corporation, board member at NZ Super Fund.
Previously: director at Commonwealth Officers Superannuation Corporation, Queensland divisional councillor at Australian Institute of Company Directors, director at Totman International Center for Pension Management, director at ACSI, chief executive officer at QSuper, director at ASFA and member at the Financial Sector Advisory Council.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosemaryvilgan/
Renowned for: development and advocacy of industry policy including measures to improve retirement outcomes for women.
Currently: director at Sunsuper and member of the Professional Standards Councils.
Previously: chair and director CareSuper, national chair at Women In Super, president and board member AIST, director at Industry Super Australia, director at Industry Super Property Trust, board member at Victorian Legal Services Board, director at Mother’s Day Classic Foundation, ACT Treasury Investment Advisory Board, and executive officer and director at AGEST.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-w-b9033820/ and https://www.sunsuper.com.au/about/board
Influential men in superannuation
(1991 to 2021)
Renowned for: First Nations powerhouse across economic and many other important Aboriginal affairs.
Currently: executive director at Kaiela Institute, chairman of the AFL Indigenous Advisory Council, leader at Empowered Communities, member at the Goulburn Regional Partnership and member at the Victorian Aboriginal Treaty Working Group.
Previously: founding chairman at First Nations Australian Credit Union, founding member at Koori Economic Employment and the Training Agency Committee and many other regional, state and national bodies.
Source: https://indigenousfellowship.net.au/the-fellows/paul-briggs-oam/
Renowned for: publications launched Super Review, Investor Daily, IFA, Investor Weekly, Investor Supermarket, SMSF Magazine, the Blue Book, Investment Magazine, I&T News, Professional Planner, Top1000Funds, IO&C News, Investor Strategy News and New Investor.
Currently: contributing editor at The Inside Network, chief executive officer at Binalong Advisory and non-executive director at Shed Connect.
Previously: non-executive director at Pyne Goule Corporation, non-executive director at LaTrobe Financial, founder at Conexus Financial, founder at Trade News Corporation, assistant editor and business editor at AFR and economics writer at the Sydney Morning Herald.
Renowned for: bringing superannuation and retirement discussion and education into the homes of the Australian population.
Currently: founder and editorial advisor, Money magazine, chair of the Australian Government Financial Literacy Board, chairman of InvestSMART Financial Services, chair of Financial Literacy at Macquarie University and professor with the School of Business and Economics.
Previously: host of television program Money.
Source: https://www.moneymag.com.au/author/paul-clitheroe
Renowned for: leading advisory to the superannuation industry in key focus areas assurance, strategic planning and mergers.
Currently: non-executive director.
Previously: partner and national leader, superannuation practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers and consultant at AIST.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-coogan-57925038/
Renowned for: the Cooper Review examining governance, efficiency, structure and operation of Australia’s superannuation system.
Currently: chairman at Retirement Income, committee member at SMSF Association.
Previously: member, Financial Advice and Distribution Industry Committee at FINSIA, member, Industry Advisory Committee at Australian Centre for Financial Studies, member policy advisory council at FINSIA, chair Super System Review and deputy chairman at ASIC.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-cooper-27b62216/
Renowned for: driving force behind simplifying superannuation, making super fairer and introducing important taxation measures.
Currently: chairman at Australian Future Fund, chairman at Nine Entertainment Corporation, prominent commentator and public speaker.
Previously: treasurer of Australia and elected to the House of Representatives, deputy leader at the Liberal Party of Australia.
Source: https://www.petercostello.com.au/ Image: Creative Commons
Legacy (deceased 2019): an emblem of the golden age of Australian journalism, the doyen of all super writers, knew more about super than anyone, unfailingly courteous and a gentleman.
Previously: published finance author, business editor at The Australian Financial Review, business editor at the Herald Sun, finance editor at The Age and journalist at Melbourne Argus.
Source: https://www.afr.com/politics/barrie-dunstan-giant-of-business-journalism-dies-at-80-20190115-h1a31k
Renowned for: highly regarded voice of superannuation, holistic leadership and success of First State Super.
Currently: non-executive director at Bennelong Funds Management, chairman at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Australia), chairperson at NSW TCorp, non-executive director at Iress and member at the ASIC Consultative Panel.
Previously: chief executive officer of First State Super, general manager at ASSET Super, director at ASFA and a founding director at Fund Executive Association (FEAL).
Source: https://www.tcorp.nsw.gov.au/html/board_of_directors.cfm
Legacy (deceased 2019): one of Australia’s most popular and longest serving labor prime ministers. Established mandatory superannuation.
Previously: prime minister of Australia, deputy prime minister of Australia, treasurer of Australia, leader of the Labor Party, deputy leader of the Labor Party and national secretary ACTU.
Source: https://www.naa.gov.au/explore-collection/australias-prime-ministers/robert-hawke Image: Creative Commons
Renowned for: being the “architect” of superannuation.
Currently: holds continued interest in national affairs and public policy. Remains a prominent media commentator and public speaker.
Previously: prime minister of Australia, deputy prime minister of Australia, treasurer of Australia, leader and deputy leader of the Labor Party.
Source: https://www.naa.gov.au/explore-collection/australias-prime-ministers/paul-keating/after-office Image: Creative Commons
Renowned for: highly active and influential advocacy in establishing award and mandatory super.
Currently: director of the Linfox Group, member of the Bill Hutchinson Foundation and prominent media commentator.
Previously: Australian trade unionist and well-known figure in the Australian labour movement, secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and board member of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Kelty
Renowned for: significant actuarial contribution to the superannuation and pensions system in Australia and worldwide.
Currently: senior partner at Mercer, senior actuary at Mercer and lead author of the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index.
Previously: director at PricewaterhouseCoopers Actuarial, foundation professor of actuarial studies at The University of Melbourne, board member at APRA and president at the Institute of Actuaries of Australia.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-knox-64239619/
Renowned for: the ‘Murray Review’ (Financial System Inquiry), domestic and global influence and governance of the financial services sector.
Currently: chairman at AMP.
Previously: inaugural chairman of the Board of Guardians at Future Fund, inaugural chair of the International Forum at Sovereign Wealth Funds, chair at the Federal Government’s Financial System Inquiry, chief executive officer at Commonwealth Bank.
Source: https://www.uts.edu.au/partners-and-community/alumni-and-supporters/alumni/your-alumni-community/uts-luminaries/david-murray
Renowned for: ground-breaking superannuation insights and public policy work, particularly around female retirement adequacy.
Currently: self-employed actuary and consultant, member of the Advisory Board of the College of Business and Economics at The Australian National University and volunteer at Actuaries Institute.
Previously: committee member at Actuaries Institute Australia, executive director, chief executive officer and founder at Rice Warner.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-rice-72b865184/
Renowned for: the original “Super Man”, serving as the first Australian minister for superannuation.
Currently: co-chair at the Singapore Economic Forum, chair at GoSourcing, chair at Household Capital, fellow at AIST, chairman at FNZ, fellow at AIST, prominent media commentator and public speaker, and advisor to superannuation and pension funds worldwide.
Previously: senator for Tasmania, assistant treasurer, minister for superannuation and corporate law, chair of the senate committee, senior advisor in superannuation and pensions to Citigroup and Ernst and Young, director at Spotless, a founding trustee at HostPlus, a founding trustee at Club Plus (Tas).
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-sherry-38449b74/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Sherry
Renowned for: building Australia’s largest superannuation fund.
Currently: chief executive officer at AustralianSuper (since 2006), director and president at the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors and director at Industry Super Australia.
Previously: chief executive officer at Australian Retirement Fund, director industrial relations division at the Department of Labour, ministerial adviser to labour ministers at the Victorian State Government, head of the building and construction industry division at the Department of Labour, industrial relations and senior policy officer at the Victorian Government and industrial relations at MMBW.
Source: www://monash.edu/alumni/graduation/may-2019/ian-silk
Renowned for: dedication to ensuring the rights of workers both in their working life and into retirement.
Currently: director at Vic Forests and trustee at Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust.
Previously: chief executive officer at LUCRF, chairman at LUCRF, chairman at Labour Union Services, national secretary at the National Union of Workers, senior vice president ACTU, Asia Pacific region president at the International Union of Food Workers, national president and Victorian president of the national executive and executive committees at the Australian Labor Party.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sword-am-774b8b95/
Renowned for: industry media publishing, conferences and commentary since 1996. Launching dozens of investment and superannuation industry related print and electronic publications.
Currently: chief executive officer and founder at Conexus Financial.
Previously: N/A
Source: https://conexusfinancial.com.au/people_staff/colin-tate/
Renowned for: being “the godfather” of superannuation.
Currently: holds continued interest in national affairs, prominent media commentator and public speaker.
Previously: chairman and founder at IFM Investors, chairman at Industry Super, assistant secretary at the Australian Council of Trade Unions and founding chair at a number of industry superannuation funds.
Source: https://www.neuralle.com/blog/posts/099-garry-weaven-the-godfather-of-industry-super/
Renowned for: leading the campaign to ban commissions in financial advice, defending against government changes to industry super fund governance structures, ‘Compare the pair’ and ‘Fox in the henhouse’.
Currently: global head of external relations and IFM Investors and member of the Department of Management and Marketing Advisory Board at The University of Melbourne.
Previously: founding chief executive of IFS, director at HESTA, director at Superannuation Trust of Australia, alternate director at AustralianSuper, member of the Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee at AustralianSuper and various roles at the ACTU.
Source: https://www.ifminvestors.com/about-us/leadership
Why and how did we assemble this list?
What started out as an internal conversation gained momentum and opinion, so we created a general interest piece hoping readers would share the same enjoyment.
A scientific approach was not possible. This is a highly subjective exercise of recall and research. A poll was considered, but there was concern around a recency and media effect.
We canvassed the team internally and opened the discussion across a number of industry leaders and experts; trusted people who have seen it all. We cross-checked with industry bodies, representative organisations and even when approaching persons on this list for permissions, we were lead to more influential people that needed mention.
Unfortunately we couldn’t include everyone, so aimed to represent people from a variety of disciplines and means of influence. It could have gone on and on, but naturally the longer the list, the less interesting it is.
This by no means diminishes the work of other highly influential people or of every person in the industry in any role. We believe superannuation is a very busy and purposeful industry in which people work extremely hard and where the proceeds of this work are felt by all Australians.
We would love to hear from you, who else must be added to this list?
We welcome your suggestions in the comments section below.
QMV provides independent advisory, consulting and technology to superannuation, wealth management, banking and insurance organisations.
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*While we have taken every care with the information presented in this article and have attempted to contact the persons listed, if there are any corrections, a removal request or to put a name forward, please contact Katie Gold head of marketing at QMV kgold@qmvsolutions.com.
Renowned for: visionary leader in strategy, governance, responsible investment and industry super fund advocacy.
Currently: chair at Assemble, non-executive director at State Trustees, non-executive director, Australia and New Zealand at Reinsurance Group of America, chair at Suicide Prevention Australia, non-executive director at Principles for Responsible Investment, independent member, impact committee at HESTA, non-executive director at Frontier Advisors and director at Lime.
Previously: independent chair at HESTA, trustee director at HESTA, director and president at AIST, director at CareSuper, director at Vision Super and director at VicSuper.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-emslie-45509724/