What is Remediation as a Service (RaaS)
QMV’s Remediation as a Service (RaaS) allows organisations to utilise the optimum combination of people, process and technology.
Specialised remediation experts with developed processes, calculation models and the right technology can fast-track remediation work, deliver quality outcomes and reduce costs.
QMV are leaders in remediation
As most organisations don’t plan for remediation, their approach is often disjointed, reactive and inefficient. QMV are leaders in remediation. We understand the importance of accuracy, timeliness and communication. We have performed hundreds of data remediation projects utilising an innovative and flexible approach. We promise high quality outcomes delivered by industry experts.
QMV are experts in remediation and known for delivering on complex requirements. Our team includes specialist consultants with the hybrid technical and analytical skills required for remediation.
Don’t start from scratch each time. QMV have developed approaches to analysis, documentation and calculation that drive efficiency and can fast-track any remediation project.
QMV’s data quality software Investigate provides a remediation-source-of-truth; allowing you to monitor progress, calculate compensation and utilise multiple reporting lenses throughout the remediation process. The data quality modules of Investigate can also be used to implement detective data quality checks to quickly identify any issue recurrence.

Remediation components

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